Monday, November 30, 2009

APOLOGIES! I am back on the grind...

To start off, in response to my previous post; the water finally turned on a day later, but unfortunately the internet and electricity has been going out frequently, about once a week for a few days here and there. Such a pain in the ass! I have now realized what a blessing it is to have consistent running water, electricity, and Internet in the good-old USA.

Since the last post my life has become fast passed like I am used too. After returning from my Barcelona-London Trip my first set of exams began. They were interesting to say the least. In Sweden they give three grades No Pass (U), Pass (G), and a High Pass (VG). How these grades transfer back equally to an A-F scale, I have no clue. It does not make any since that we should receive grades back at home for these courses, especially if our home University new how horribly structured, run, and non-educational they are! I cannot say the courses are easy, and at points they are actually quite difficult, but the structure and teaching resembles an elementary classroom style. I believe they should be strictly based on a pass/no pass evaluation scale, especially since the largest benefit of Studying Abroad is not what you learn in the classroom, but the experiences and cultural differences/similarities that you learn when living abroad.

I was thankful to receive a VG, and I still do not know what I received in my other course. Post the exam period I made a trip to Copenhagen, Denmark for the Sensation White ‘Wicked Winter Wonderland’ Rave/Extravaganza. It was insane to say the least. As well, I have done some sight seeing around Malmo and Lund. The Swedish Country Side is beautiful, especially in the Fall.

Ass well, my second sets of Courses have begun. One of the courses is in Management Control and the other is in International Business for Multinational Enterprises. Both of these courses seem to follow the same unorganized, poor-lecture status as did my two previous courses, but with this I have been able to do a lot of traveling. It’s a catch 22 depending on how you want to look at it.

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